Product News

Safety first


The preference from the ‘Health and Safety Executive’ is that access to high level areas are either restricted or prevented with plant…

Award for Southgate project encompassing flat to pitched conversions


As part of a wide scale refurbishment project from Enfield Council, Langley Structures Ltd delivered a series of Flat to Pitched (FTP)…

Keeping everyone safe through COVID pandemic



Housing Associations and their residents have faced many challenges during the COVID Pandemic, not least of all undertaking repairs…

How to build flexibility into tenants bathrooms



With an ageing population and only 7% of housing stock in England offering even the most basic accessibility features , there is a…

Gas Safety: Staying on the Right Side of the Regulations



In 2020 a new problem significantly exacerbated the age-old problem of access to residents’ homes to perform gas safety checks and…

Thinking INSIDE the box with Pendock



When evaluating opportunities to cut costs in social housing refurbishment or retro-fit fire sprinkler installation in high rise blocks…

Building better information



How drones and laser scanning are speeding up the digitisation of buildings and assets

In June 2017, a…

A ‘smart’ solution for Housing Associations


From appliances to energy management, the role of ‘smart home’ technology continues to expand. Previously only seen in private homes, smart…

‘Easy-fit’ decorative boxings from UK Boxings


Easy to fit decorative boxings from UK Boxings have been used for more than 20 years by UK housing associations, local authorities and…

Hybrid Heating for the modern home – the choice is yours


With over 15 year’s experience in the electric heating market, The Electric Heating Company witnessed a significant increase in demand during 2020…

How will the Internet of Things transform customer relationships?


Residents value benefits but landlords worry about perception
Social landlords are increasingly realising that the Internet…

AKW launches Beautiful Bathrooms for housing associations


When it comes to bathroom installations, sourcing quality products that are also cost-effective and contemporary is the key to long-…

Replace lead water pipes the quick and easy way


Awareness of the potential health problems caused by lead in the water supply, particularly in infants and children is growing.  Houses built…

Make a safe EWI choice with Alsecco


Fire safety is critical but ensuring that an EWI system has been tested for windloading capabilities shouldn’t be overlooked. Mark Weaver…

Vent-Axia's PIV tackles mould and condensation in test home


Leading British ventilation manufacturer Vent-Axia has put its Lo-Carbon PoziDry Pro™ Positive Input Ventilation (PIV) to the test in a real home…

Embracing a digital future


The unique challenges presented in the last year in particular have highlighted an increased need for effective online operations for Housing…

Concealing fire sprinkler system pipework simply and effectively



With HA and local authority landlords implementing major fire protection upgrade programmes, including the ongoing retro-fitting of fire…